Porting Process of MPlayer 1.1 on AM335x

1. MPlayer File Description

图一 文件列表.png

Figure 1 File List

mplayer.tar.bz: Precompiled executable file, extract it using tar jxvf.

MPlayer-1.1.tar.xz: Source code package, downloadable from http://www.oschina.net/p/mplayer.

mkconfig: Compilation configuration file.

lib_patch.tar.gz: Library patch file, extract it using tar zxvf.

config: Player configuration file.

The target board uses the company's file system: nfs-lierda-simple.tar.gz.

2. Instructions

2.1 Extract the MPlayer-1.1.tar.xz source code package using tar xxvf, navigate to the MPlayer-1.1 directory, and copy mkconfig to the directory.

2.2 Execute ./mkconfig.

2.3 Execute make to compile.

2.4 Modify the target board's file system: copy the files in lib_patch to /lib using cp -l, create a hidden .mplayer folder in the root directory using mkdir .mplayer, and copy the config file to .mplayer.

2.5 Copy the compiled mplayer to the target board and execute ./mplayer XXX to play video or audio files.

2.6 In the terminal, input numbers 0-9 to adjust the picture and volume. Use arrow keys for frame skipping, and press q to exit.

3. Notes

Do not modify the cross-compiler in mkconfig, nor change the configuration options, as it might cause compilation failure or missing library files when executing ./mplayer.

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